Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gorbie's Stuff - Special Request

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So some dude got ahold me through the punk site and requested posting his stuff on here (how flattering!).  It's pretty rough - demo quality really - but there's a lot there, so cherry picking through the tracks isn't an unrealistic option.  Anyway, I'll just post his message since he sums it up pretty well:

"I've been in a band named Gorbie's Stuff. We released an album
recorded in 2005 in August. Here's the album link :

I also released an acoustic punk album in September (my name is
Nicolas Chartoire) you can find it at :

And I was in another band named Beatles II. Our album has been on the
internet since 2002. You can check it at:

Thanks for your attention !

Nicolas Chartoire

PS : I also belong to a band named The Kuang. We are working on a new
album, putting the songs on the internet as they are recorded. Find
more about The Kuang and my other musical projects (electronic music
and so on) at"


Nico said...

Thank you very much ! You're the very first person in the whole universe to feature a post about our work ! That's great ! I only noticed it today. By the way note that the last link (The Kuang) is now dead, you can now find The Kuang free ep from here : I also released a new solo album, it's on this site too. Thank you again for this wonderful post. Bye.

Nicolas Chartoire

Nico said...

And I must add you published this post the day of my 31th birthday. What a gift !

Nico said...

Btw I feel now so sorry for not returning to your blog after sending my email. I apologize a lot.